An Army chaplain claims he was medically discharged by the US military for a vaccine injury caused by the Covid shot he was forced to take. 

Jason Strong, 56, was serving as a Support Chaplain for South Carolina National Guard when he was first injected with the Pfizer vaccine on September 12, 2021 – as mandated by the US Army at the time.

Major Strong told that his senior officials had warned him there would be consequences if him and his fellow officers did not get vaccinated. 

He recalled: ‘I was a federal employee, and so the mandate was, by the end of September or early October, you had to have had your vaccinations done.

‘And so I fulfilled it and my responsibility, because the consequence was, you lose your job.’

Major Strong began experiencing difficulty in breathing and fatigue three weeks after he was given the vaccine but ignored the signs believing he was suffering from allergies.

By Thanksgiving, the longtime runner noticed his condition was worsening and he could barely exercise without wheezing. 

He now suspects he has post vaccination syndrome, a newly identified rare condition linked to the Covid shots. 

Jason Strong, 56, an Army chaplain and pastor claims that he is being medically discharged by the US military for developing asthma after he was forced to take the Covid vaccine

One of the syndrome’s most common symptoms is exercise intolerance.  

Major Strong told the website: ‘I would run about three times a week [before the shot], close to four miles, trying to double what I had to do for my army fitness test. 

‘And I began to realize in that October leading into Thanksgiving that I just felt like it was getting harder and harder to breathe, or to get my breath.’

After nearly waiting an year to see an expert and a pulmonary function test later, Major Strong was told he had developed asthma in December 2022. 

Asthma is when the airways (the tubes that carry air in and out of your lungs) get swollen and narrow, making it hard to breathe.

The exact cause isn’t always clear, but it’s usually a mix of genetics and environmental factors like allergies or pollution. 

Major Strong was left baffled because none of relatives have asthma and, from his point of view, the only thing that changed in late 2021 was that he got vaccinated.

‘Never been a smoker, never been around burn pits. There’s zero family history of anything like this,’ he said.

‘I had a fit test before in September [2021] that I passed without problems and then all of a sudden I’m having trouble breathing to run. 

‘I couldn’t do stuff and it was just a few months after this vaccination, I didn’t have any other life. There was nothing else that had happened out of the out of the ordinary.’ 

However, Dr Albert Rizzo, chief medical officer for the American Lung Association, believes that it is highly unlikely that the vaccine could have led to his condition. 

He told ‘It is hard to say. I don’t think there is any link between the vaccine and asthma. There is no evidence. 

‘While the Covid infection itself can cause asthma, the vaccine cannot.’

Pictured: Major Strong with his wife, Robyn and his six kids

Pictured: Major Strong with his wife, Robyn and his six kids 

Major Strong is now a pastor at Crowders Creek ARP Church in North Carolina 

As of 2025, Major Strong has lost 20 percent of his lung capacity and continues to fight against being medically discharged from the army due to his asthma- a disease he never asked for and did not know he could develop

As far as Major Strong is aware, he’s never had Covid, though he’s never had an antibody test. 

But in the years since, he’s lost 20 percent of his lung capacity – the amount of air that the lungs can hold and use – making simple tasks like walking up the stairs a challenge, 

After he realized the extent of his condition and reported it to the Army, a medical board was established to decide whether his ‘medical event’ could disqualify him from service.  

He explained: ‘According to regulation (I suppose there may be rare exceptions), Soldiers with Asthma are prohibited to serve.

Major Strong also clarified that while he ‘never contested his fitness to serve due to his injury’, he is upset that the Army refuses to take responsibility for the injury. 

Now as a full-time pastor at Crowders Creek ARP Church in North Carolina, he noted that he felt ‘unheard’ and sidelined by the military.

‘I feel unheard by the Army Medical Command. There’s been no desire to really understand what has happened to me. It’s always been, “This didn’t happen. This can’t happen”. 

‘There’s been no desire to understand this whatsoever. And that’s what’s been angering me. What I wrestle with is we say One team, One fight. But here you have [me] and I don’t think I’m alone in this.

Brittany Burnette, 34, revealed how she was forced to undergo a dozen surgeries after she developed a condition that caused her bones to rot after taking the Covid shot

Mrs Burnette has undergone three surgeries on her elbow to remove dead bone and repair a nerve (left) and has had both of her knees replaced (right)

About a year after her ordeal began, one of her doctors attributed her complications to her bout of Covid in late November 2020 and subsequent vaccines

‘Here you have people who’ve been ill affected and you’ve just said you’re medically unfit. We’re not going to try and understand what we just did to you. We’re just going to kick you out and let you fend for yourselves. That’s pretty frustrating.’ 

He also said that he has feels betrayed by the Army and that he has been ‘left behind’ by them. 

‘I have wrestled with some anger for what I believe to be a betrayal by the organization and people I loved and still do. I feel as though I was “left behind” even though the Army creed declares in the Warrior Ethos that we will “never leave a fallen comrade”. 

‘I feel left, despite pouring out my heart and soul for others as was expected of me. The organizations behavior and judgements has resulted in my moral injury.’

Major Strong also noted that he now has a lack of faith in the government.  

‘I have great mistrust now regarding anything governmental. I have heard the words, but by their deeds you will know them. I do hope that the Army will attempt to renew the faith by doing what is right by me and my family,’ he continued. 

Last week, a team from Yale University known for their rigorous work revealed the mRNA shots can cause a previously unknown condition known as ‘post-vaccination syndrome.’

The syndrome appears to cause brain fog, dizziness, tinnitus, extreme fatigue and biological changes. 

The study was not peer reviewed or checked by other scientists and researchers say findings should be treated with caution.  

But it might shed some light on why thousands of people who say they were made ill by Covid shot despite a lack of firm evidence.

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