Taking older patients off blood thinning drugs could put them at risk of a life-threatening stroke or heart attack, a new study has warned doctors.

The drugs – known as anticoagulants – are prescribed to patients to prevent deadly blood clots forming in their veins.

However, due to concerns that the tablets put older patients at risk of dangerous bleeds if injured, many doctors limit the length of time that over-75s spend on them.

Usually, patients will be told to come off them after three to six months.

Now, a major UK study which analysed 20,000 people who were newly-prescribed blood thinners found that the risk of stroke or heart attack triggered by stopping the drugs, far outweighs the risk of bleeding. 

The findings open up the possibility that many patients could remain on blood-thinners for life.

Older patients could be put at risk of a life-threatening stroke or heart attack if they are taken off anticoagulants or blood-thinning drugs (file photo)

Doctors usually limit the length of time that over-75s spend on blood thinning drugs, with patients routinely told to come off them within three to six months (file photo)

Experts say this is because, once off the tablets, blood clots can form more easily again, increasing the chances of one of these dangerous events. 

Without the drug, the study found that the risk of stroke and death was three times higher. The risk of heart attacks doubled.

Crucially, the study also found that, despite being a widely held belief in medicine, the drugs did not increase the risk of major bleeds in patients over-75.

Around 350,000 patients are prescribed blood thinners on the NHS every year.

Research suggests that it is safe for patients to stay on the drugs for life.

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