Losing weight comes with a series of challenges, ranging from having a strict diet to exercising regularly.

A slimmer, who lost 13st 6lb, explained how she made one main change, which was the catalyst to her weight loss journey.

Yasmin Johnston discussed on YouTube how much better she feels after hitting her weight loss goal.

The slimmer said: “I feel like a different person. I am learning about my body in a different way than I never knew before because I had been obese since I was a child. This is like a whole new life for me and it is crazy.”

The slimmer shared how she lost 13st 6lb

YouTube/Yassie’s Journal

The change Yasmin made when starting to lose weight was finding people she could relate to for motivation and information.

She explained: “I did it through YouTube by finding people that I really related to. I feel you will be more inclined to do stuff if you are relating to the person who’s giving you that information.

“When you are receiving information from people you do not feel comfortable with or [they’ve never been through a weight loss journey], they cannot empathise with you. It’s really hard for me personally to take their advice at all. I found a couple of YouTubers that I related to and it made me pick up lots of little tidbits.”

The weight loss enthusiast took the information and implemented it into her routine through trial and error.

The content creator said: “I would try one thing and see if it works. I’d try a meal and if I do not like the taste of it, I’d make some alterations to it.

“I picked and chose the information gems that I thought would be suitable for me and my lifestyle.”

Everybody’s weight loss journey will alter in some way “as we all have different genetic predispositions and body compositions”.

Yasmin stated: “Some will carry more muscle mass whilst some will carry more fat. That is okay, but it becomes a problem when you cannot put the clothes in the dryer without getting out of breath and light-headed.

Learning from others and motivation helped the slimmer

YouTube/Yassie’s Journal

“Just by losing five or 10lb, I felt I could do so much more than I did before, so you do not need to have a big number in your head [of how much you want to lose]. Getting a little bit healthier and feeling a bit better in life in general is going to change your perspective on everything.”

The YouTuber encouraged people to focus on making their weight loss fun too.

She said: “Take it from someone who has changed her life by losing that weight. If you do not make your weight loss journey enjoyable for you, you are not going to stick to it.”

Another slimmer lost who lost 1st 12lb in two months put down her success to boosting her intake of the right ingredients.

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