Looking after your houseplants can be a time-consuming task with the demands they require.

Gardeners often turn to products to help them care for their plants, despite there being a budget-friendly option, staring right at them.

Gardener, Michelle, discussed on YouTube several kitchen scraps people can use to help their houseplants stay healthy.

She said: “Your kitchen scraps are packed with natural fertiliser for your plants. You can make your own fertiliser out of the scraps in your kitchen.”

The gardener said you can look after your plants with kitchen scraps


Michelle said: “Banana peels are awesome for making fertiliser. Take your peel and add it into a vase and add water. It is a great way to add nutrients to the soil.”

Let the banana peel sit in the water overnight, before watering your houseplants the following day.

Another kitchen scrap is eggshells, which can be placed around the base of your houseplant.

The gardener said: “I’m going to use eggshells crushed up in my hand at the base of my plant, to create some calcium deposits in my soil, which will help build up the cell walls of my plants. These are great to sprinkle in your plant.”

The gardener recommended using banana peels as a fertiliser for your houseplants


In other gardening news, a gardener has shared a pest that damages plants quickly and how to remove it.

They warned that the pest is difficult to eliminate but inflicts a considerable amount of damage quickly.

Speaking on the YouTube channel Plant Corner NYC, expert Jira said: “Thrips are not super common but they are really hard to get rid of.

“Once one of them gets onto your plant, plants can decline fast because they rapidly expand.”

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