Chilling words in the Bible’s Book of Revelation seem to describe events in the early Christian world – but are they actually predicting a nuclear explosion during a future world war?

‘Something like a huge mountain, all ablaze, was thrown into the sea… a third of the living creatures in the sea died,’ the ancient text reads.

The Book of Revelation (written towards the end of the first century AD) is packed with imagery which could describe modern weapons technologies such as helicopter or drone fleets and even robot soldiers, explained Jared Brock, author of ‘A Devil Named Lucifer.’

Brock said that it’s very easy to read Revelation and map the fall of previous empires onto it, such as the Roman Empire or the British Empire.

However, the author wonders if it could be describing the future fall of the United States instead.

Brock studied scripture intently as part of the research for his book – and found echoes of recent world events in the Book of Revelation and throughout the Bible.

The Book of Revelation, believed to have been written by John the Elder, is the last book of the New Testament, and Brock noted it seems to describe ‘cycles’ in human behavior where people turn away from God.

He told that we may be in one of those cycles now, with terrible consequences ahead.

The Book of Revelation is packed with imagery which could describe modern weapons technologies

Written in Greek, it includes passages addressing letters sent to the seven Christian churches in Asia Minor at the time, and terrifying prophetic visions – leading to a Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

Brock, a devout Christian who has directed PBS documentaries and previously wrote a book about Jesus entitled, ‘A God Named Josh,’ said that Revelation includes vivid depictions which present-day readers could interpret as predictions of future conflicts.

He told, ‘Every page of the Revelation is about Jesus, but it’s also packed with wild imagery and probable allusions to the Roman Empire. John does his best to describe what he sees.’

Brock added that some sections appear to be a ‘real glimpse of the future.’

‘Is that a nuclear detonation in Revelation 8:8–9? Is that a bioterror weapon in Revelation 8:10–11? Are those robot soldiers in Revelation 9:7–9?’ the author asked rhetorically.

In Revelation 9:7-9, the creator of the Book of Revelation even appeared to describe mechanical or android beings, writing, ‘On their heads they wore something like crowns of gold, and their faces resembled human faces.’

‘The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water— the name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter,’ Revelation 8.10-11 stated.

Jared Brock, author of 'A Devil Named Lucifer,' believes the Book of Revelation may be predicting the future fall of America

Jared Brock, author of ‘A Devil Named Lucifer,’ believes the Book of Revelation may be predicting the future fall of America

Jared Brock’s book, ‘A Devil Named Lucifer,’ describes the reality of Satan in our world today, even though Satan barely appears in the Bible

Another passage, Revelations 9:10-11, could refer to drone or helicopter warfare, Brock suggested.

‘They had tails with stingers, like scorpions, and in their tails they had power to torment people for five months. They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon and in Greek is Apollyon (that is, Destroyer),’ the passage reads.

Brock explained that the early church fathers often offered interpretations of Revelation as a prediction of their future.

The martyred Victorinus of Pettau, who lived during a time of intense persecution of Christians, wrote a commentary suggesting that the bleak visions of Revelation reflected the struggles faced by the early Christian community, offering both a warning of impending judgment and a promise of ultimate redemption for the faithful.

Many scripture historians suggest that Revelation refers to events roughly contemporary to the Bible – but the events don’t exactly line up as well with what we now know about ancient times.

In Brock’s new book, he details how rarely Satan is actually depicted during biblical times and in scripture – in sharp contrast to how regularly he is referenced in today’s society.

Brock added that this could be another sign of the apparent ‘cycles’ in human history, where the public appears to turn away from God.

‘If you actually study it, the revelation is a series of five apocalyptic loops, and each one is getting more and more intense, sort of like the pangs of childbirth. Then eventually there is the end,’ the author told

‘These five apocalyptic loops, they all follow the same pattern. So there’s rebellion, judgment, salvation. So some culture, some civilization, some nation, rebels against the word and will and way of God. God sends judgment. So they collapse due to hyperinflation or civil war. They experience judgment, but then God always saves a remnant, and there is salvation and something that’s started again.’

Brock cited society’s current worship of money and no-strings sex as possible evidence of dark spiritual forces at work on Earth – and a catalyst for an impending collapse.

‘In our fight for freedom, we end up enslaving ourselves. We are in a strange Catch 22 time where we’ve rejected any form of togetherness in favor of hyper individualism. It’s just destroying us,’ the author warned.

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