
Welcome to’s daily U.S. politics live blog where team Biden is doing damage control after his disastrous first debate that propelled Democrats into full-on panic mode.

A devastating Daily Mail poll reveals just how bad the debate was for meandering and ‘incompetent’ Biden… and the staggering number of voters who want him to drop out – which Democrats are now considering.

But Biden is doubling down on his commitment for the second scheduled presidential debate in September.  

President Biden is expected at a campaign stop in North Carolina today while Donald Trump is set to put on a rally with Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin in his state.

Follow along for live updates from’s reporters in North Carolina, Virginia and Washington, D.C.:

Hillary Clinton says ‘I’ll be voting for Biden’ despite debate: ‘the choice in this election remains very simple’

Hillary Clinton weighed in after the presidential debate saying she will still be voting for President Biden.

The former Democratic presidential nominee said the choice in the election is very simple.

‘It’s a choice between someone who cares about you—your rights, your prospects, your future—versus someone who’s only in it for himself,’ she wrote on X.

Biden doubles down on commitment to second debate with Trump in September

President Biden will not drop out of the 2024 race and is committed to the second presidential debate scheduled for September, according to campaign operatives.

ABC News is set to host the second debate on Tuesday, September 10 at 9 p.m. ET.

Wife of GOP congressman Thomas Massie dead leaving behind four kids and new grandchild

Chip Roy says he’ll put forth resolution calling on VP Harris to invoke 25th Amendment

Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, said he will put forth a House resolution to call on Vice President Kamala Harris to invoke the 25th Amendment after Biden’s debate performance.

‘I intend to put forth a resolution calling upon the @VP to immediately use her powers under section 4 of the 25th Amendment to convene & mobilize the principal officers of the Cabinet to declare the @POTUS is unable to successfully discharge the duties and powers of his office,’ Roy wrote on X.

The 25th Amendment, which outlines presidential succession, gives the vice president and Cabinet power to remove the commander in chief from office via a majority vote in the event it’s determined he or she is no longer fit for office.

Supreme Court spells town’s name wrong in homelessness ruling after laughing gas mixup

The Supreme Court building is seen on Friday, June 28, 2024, in Washington. (AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein)

The Supreme Court included a prominent typo in the name of a critical court case as it wraps up its term – days after the accidental release of a draft opinion on abortion.

This time, the court mistakenly called an opinion City of Grant Pass v. Johnson on its web site. In fact, the city is called Grants Pass. (The opinion itself got the name right).

It comes a day after the court had to issue a correction for a majority opinion authored by Justice Neil Gorsuch that confused an air pollutant with laughing gas in the case of Ohio v. Environmental Protection Agency.

Gorsuch referred repeatedly to ‘nitrous oxide’ – laughing gas – rather than ‘nitrogen oxide,’ the air pollutant in a ruling that blocked an EPA’s ‘Good Neighbor’ plan to reduce smog in downwind states.

Supreme Court overturns Chevron doctrine in major ruling for conservatives

The case dealt with federal regulatory boundaries. Chief Justice John Roberts issued the decision on Friday morning.

This opinion claws back expansive federal power – which will have major impacts over all aspects of American lives.

Roberts said on the bench that the decision ‘ends our 40-year misadventure with Chevron deference.’

Justices uphold public camping ban in homelessness case

The first Supreme Court decision of the day has just been delivered.

It had to do with whether homeless can be punished for occupying public spaces.

Supreme Court decisions coming at 10 a.m. ET

The Supreme Court announced it will issue decisions on Friday and Monday. It is rare that the court extended its term into July, they usually try and aim to wrap up by the end of June.

There are several blockbuster cases left this term:

  • Trump v. United States: This case will determine if ex-President Donald Trump has immunity from federal prosecution over his alleged efforts to overthrow the 2020 election.
  • Fischer v. United States: The court will decide if prosecutors can charge January 6 defendants – and Donald Trump – under an obstruction law. This outcome could impact Trump’s federal case – potentially tossing two of his charges.
  • City of Grants Pass, Oregon v. Gloria Johnson: Whether homeless can be punished for occupying public spaces.
  • NetChoice, LLC v. Paxton and Moody v. NetChoice, LLC: This is a First Amendment case dealing with whether states can tell social media giants to remove certain posts.
  • Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo and Relentless, Inc. v. Department of Commerce: This case deals with federal statute enforcement.

John Fetterman tells panicking Democrats to ‘chill the f*** out’

Pennsylvania Sen. John Fetterman blasted ‘vultures’ in his party after operatives and media figures panicked over Biden’s debate performance with some calling for him to withdraw to avoid a loss

‘I refuse to join the Democratic vultures on Biden’s shoulder after the debate. No one knows more than me that a rough debate is not the sum total of the person and their record,’ wrote Fetterman, who himself won reelection while suffering the after-effects of a stroke.

He referenced ‘morning-after thermonuclear beat downs’ in his own race and took on ‘polling geniuses’ who doubted him. ‘And what happened? The only seat to flip and won by a historic margin (+5). Chill the f*** out.’

‘That debate was a f***ing disaster’: Democrats panic following Biden’s stumbling performance

Democrats are known for bed-wetting ahead of elections, but the panic mode has shot to another level following President Biden’s cringey debate performance in Atlanta.

The president’s flubbed answer and pause just minutes into the debate drew an audible gasp from some watching and set off a flurry of frantic text messages of alarm.

Some even took to social media to voice their concerns publicly.

‘Obviously that debate was a f***ing disaster. We have to beat Donald Trump. We have to have a nominee who can do that,’ wrote former Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau on X.

‘It’s kind of a DEFCON 1 moment,’ Obama 2008 campaign manager David Plouffe said on MSNBC following the debate. He went on that what really matters is how the voters react.

Politico reported some Biden aides found the president’s peformance so concerning, they spent the night updating their LinkedIns.

House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries says Biden should NOT drop out

The House’s top Democrat Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., gave a curt ‘no’ when asked by reporters whether Biden should step aside from the top of the ticket after his debate performance last night.

Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., meanwhile, claimed that Democrats on Capitol Hill are ‘in full five-alarm fire.’

‘They’re deeply concerned. They are saying the quiet parts out loud.’

CBS host Gayle King says ‘a lot of people needed a drink last night’ as Biden team faces more devastating TV commentary

The Biden campaign suffered devastating TV commentary in the minutes after the end of the presidential debate Thurdsay night, and the hits kept coming Friday morning as Americans woke up to digest the news.

‘A lot of people needed a drink after last night,’ said CBS This Morning host Gayle King at the top of her broadcast.

‘He had one job to do last night, Bob. Just one, really,’ she told correspondent Robert Costa in obvious frustration, as he reported there was not an organized Democratic push to get Biden to relinquish the nomination despite his halting performance.

Trump and Biden hold dueling campaign events one day after debate showdown

Sarah Ewall-Wice, Senior U.S. Political Reporter

President Biden and Donald Trump hit the campaign trail to rally supporters one day after their face-to-face on the debate stage in Atlanta.

Biden headed to Raleigh, North Carolina late Thursday night for a campaign rally Friday afternoon. He is joined there by First Lady Jill Biden.

The Biden campaign sees North Carolina as a battleground state they could possibly flip blue come November.

Trump is set to deliver remarks on Friday afternoon in Chesapeake, VA near Virginia Beach.

He lost Virginia to Democrats in both 2016 and 2020, but the state elected a Republican governor in 2021. Trump’s team sees the state in play in November.

The ex-president will be joined at his event by GOP Governor Glenn Youngkin.

Pennsylvania’s Governor Josh Shapiro tells Democrats to ‘stop worrying’ after Biden’s ‘bad night’ amid pressure to bow out of the race

By Geoff Earle, Deputy U.S. Political Editor in Atlanta

Pennsylvania’s telegenic Gov. Josh Shapiro took to the airwaves hours after Joe Biden’s debate flop to tell members of his party to ‘stop worrying’ and rally behind the presumtive nominee.

Shapiro, 51, appeared as a Biden campaign surrogate after key Democratic operatives hit the panic button after the president’s halting performance and influential columnist Tom Friedman called for Biden’s performance ‘heartbreaking’ and said he had ‘no business running for reelection.’

‘I would say to all those folks that are out there worrying right now? Start working and stop worrying,’ he told CNN. He acknowledged Biden had a ‘bad night’ and said the campaign needed a ‘crisper message.’

‘It ain’t easy debating a pathological liar,’ he said. Then he blamed the debate hosts, after Biden stumbled and lost his train of thought in many of his answers, staring downward at times while Trump blasted his record, and according to fact checkers made multiple false statements. ‘I think CNN could have done a better job of calling those lies out,’ he said.

NY Dem Ritchie Torres says ‘the country’ is the biggest loser of the debate

New York Democrat Rep. Ritchie Torres was unimpressed with either candidate’s performance last night.

Exclusive: Who won the presidential debate? Experts reveal whether Trump or Biden prevailed after their first 2024 matchup

The first presidential debate showdown of 2024 was full of extraordinary moments.

From the start, President Biden’s advanced age was on full display after he froze mid-sentence just 12 minutes in. He also repeatedly cleared his throat due to a cold.

That was just the beginning of his blunders and mumblings throughout the debate that has sent Democrats into full-blown panic mode, leading some to say Biden should be replaced on the top of the 2024 ticket.

Democratic and Republican political experts almost all agreed on who clearly ended up on top at the end of the night. breaks down analysis from top political minds:

Exclusive: Daily Mail’s devastating snap poll reveals how many independent voters think Joe needs to drop out after disastrous debate with Trump

An exclusive poll for found that a clear majority of independent voters believe President Joe Biden should no longer be the Democratic nominee after a car-crash debate with Donald Trump.

Some 62 percent said he should be dumped from the ticket.

Biden looked all of his 81 years on Thursday night as he repeatedly lost his train of thought and meandered into silence.

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