Psychologists have shared warning signs that your ex-partner could be a narcissists.

The signs are linked to their inability to commit, something  people with the disorder have been said to struggle with. 

That is likely because they see themselves as hot commodities and have a plethora of romantic options, leading them toward infidelity and a shorter relationship.

Studies have shown that narcissists conduct a one-sided dynamic in their relationships where they seek validation, admiration and reassurance while offering none in return.

Narcissists often struggle to stay in a committed relationship because they are searching for the constant excitement of finding a new partner and think they're more appealing to others

Narcissists often struggle to stay in a committed relationship because they are searching for the constant excitement of finding a new partner and think they’re more appealing to others

Without the excitement that comes with seeking a new partner, the narcissist feels incomplete and their overinflated ego could lead them to believe that they’re more desired than they actually are, experts have claimed.

According to a study published by the University of Georgia, ‘Narcissists do not just perceive that they have alternatives to their romantic relationship but actually report attending to and flirting with these alternatives.’ 

The study’s researchers theorized that one possibility is that the narcissist is always ‘going for the better deal’ and looking for a more attractive partner who they deem to be better than their current one.

Another possibility is that because narcissists are constantly seeking a thrill, the chase involved in acquiring another partner appears to fit the bill.

It gives them a rush of excitement which often diminishes when their new partner wants a closer and more personal connection.

It’s also been suggested that the narcissist simply fears abandonment and wants to cut off the relationship before they become too emotionally involved, thus opening themselves up to be hurt.

A 2020 study by researchers at the University of Groningen in The Netherlands found a definitive link between narcissism and relationship dissatisfaction which often results in infidelity.

‘Narcissism is associated with poor relationship function such as lack of relationship commitment, low emotional intimacy and sexual aggression, increased interest in sexual processes, and high levels of infidelity engagement,’ the study said. 

‘Narcissistic romantic partners are less faithful, less emotionally intimate, less inclined to link sex with intimacy, and eager to have multiple sexual partners.’

Other researchers have also found that narcissists tend to devalue their partners and consider themselves to be superior rather than showing appreciation for their many qualities and attributes.

In any quality relationship, there’s give and take, with each person showing partner-enhancement meaning they view their significant other more positively than they view themselves.

Without this aspect of the relationship, narcissists view their partner negatively, causing discord and enmity that is often exposed through verbal or physical fights and conflict.

They don’t have the ability to celebrate their partner’s achievements which creates an unfair relationship with one person investing more than the other.

Some narcissists might see their partner’s successes as rivalry and could perceive their everyday interactions with them to be more negative or accusing, according to a study by Albright College in Pennsylvania.

‘Narcissists do tend to blame others for their problems and are especially sensitive to signs of rejection,’ the study’s lead author Dr Gwendolyn Seldman wrote on Psychology Today.

These types of people feel the need to be constantly validated and require their partner to endlessly tend to their ego.

‘Partner-enhancement may prevent perceiving a partner’s intentions as mean or malevolent,’ Anna Czarna and Magdalena Śmieja, who co-authored a 2022 study on Narcissism and partner-enhancement, told Forbes.

‘Couples who show partner-enhancement cope more effectively with conflicts, use less negative communication and have higher relationship satisfaction,’ they continued.

‘Such couples are also more likely to progress in commitment, moving from dating to engagement and marriage.’

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