The Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has been urged against cutting taxes further, as it could risk the Government’s ability to invest in the National Health Service (NHS) and other vital services.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has advised against tax cuts, warning the UK will see extra pressure to spend money on social care, education and healthcare.
IMF chief economist Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas told a press conference today: “There is a need to put in place medium-term fiscal plans that will accommodate a very significant increase in spending pressures.
“In the case of the UK, you might think of spending on healthcare and modernising the NHS; spending on social care; on education; you might think about critical public investment to address the climate transition; but also to boost growth.”
Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has been urged against cutting taxes further
Mr Gourinchas said the Government must balance its tax gains with its spending to ensure debt doesn’t spiral out of control, if it wants to meet the commitments.
He added: “In that context we would advise against further discretionary tax cuts as envisioned and discussed now.”
The Chancellor announced a cut to the National Insurance rate for millions of workers during his Autumn Statement last year.
The measure will cost the Treasury around £9.76billion in the 2028 tax year, according to the Office for Budget Responsibility.
However, the Government’s ongoing freeze on income tax thresholds is raising income for the Treasury through fiscal drag.
Ahead of the General Election which will likely take place this year, the Chancellor has signalled he’s keen to cut taxes further if possible.
On Tuesday, Mr Hunt said: “It is too early to know whether further reductions in tax will be affordable in the Budget, but we continue to believe that smart tax reductions can make a big difference in boosting growth.”
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