First Take host Stephen A. Smith thinks the Democrats are sinking and predicted that they will struggle to beat J.D. Vance in the next presidential election in 2028.
Smith’s words come days before Donald Trump’s inauguration on Monday. Smith voted Democrat at the election in November last year but was quick to admit he regretted the choice he made.
Now, in the recent episode of his YouTube show, he turned his attention to Trump’s return to the White House next week and what the future holds for the Democrats.
‘Here is a question for the Democrats – when are you going to get a candidate that can be him? And I don’t mean him literally, he (Trump) isn’t running again, I mean J.D. Vance,’ Smith said.
‘The way you look up on Capitol Hill is so sad, you’re gonna get J.D. Vance elected. You’re going to get conservatives winning these elections because they are looking at you with your head in the sand, not embracing reality.
‘You lost. Nancy Pelosi isn’t going to show up to the inauguration? Fine, she doesn’t like it, at least she is consistent. Michelle Obama isn’t showing up fine, she doesn’t want to be there. She is consistent.
Stephen A. Smith predicts the Democrats could struggle to beat J.D. Vance in 2028

Trump is going to be return as president on Monday, after winning last year’s election
‘Joe Biden called him a racist, now you’re working with him. Kamala Harris said a whole bunch of things about him and she’s going to be on that stage.
‘You lost. The inability to accept the fact you lost, and the inability to look at yourself and see how tone deaf you are and how annoyed people are at the fact you are that way, let me tell you something. You are going this was (points down).
‘Folks are tired of it. They want the economy addressed, they want the border security addressed and they want the streets of America safe. That’s what folks want.
‘Until you learn to live with that reality, you are going to lose a lot of people. I’m not about to call myself a Republican but I will say this, I’ve got no problems avoiding supporting you based on what I am seeing.’
Earlier this week, Smith attacked Barack Obama for being so friendly with Trump at Jimmy Carter’s funeral after leading such a vociferous campaign against him before the election last year.
‘Look, was it a good look for Barack Obama? No,’ Smith said on his YouTube show. ‘Civility is the order of the day.
‘One is a former president, the other is the president-elect. So there is a relationship to some degree that everybody should have. We get that, we understand that.
‘Here’s my thing: it wasn’t a good look, but it wasn’t a good look because of Trump.
Smith thinks Vance is well placed to win the next election in 2028 against the Democrats
Smith said that Biden’s Democrat party are tone deaf to the demands of American voters
‘It wasn’t a good look because of all the things that were said about Trump during the campaign while you (Obama) were trying to convince tens of millions of people to vote for Kamala Harris.’
Raising his voice and quoting Obama and the Democrat party’s allegations, Smith continued: ‘”Fascist,” “threat to democracy,” you know, people bringing up Nazis and all of this stuff when they talked about Trump.
‘So maybe if you (Obama) hadn’t said all of those things, people wouldn’t be going off like this.’