Ageing brings significant changes to the appearance, which no amount of makeup can conceal completely.

What makeup can do, however, is highlight our best attributes and give us a confidence boost in our day-to-day lives.

Makeup artist Gabi is a firm believer that makeup should be used as a tool to empower women at all stages of life, as opposed to fight signs of ageing.

This inspired the makeup artists to devise different methods that help create a lifting effect on the face while minimising the appearance of wrinkles.

Applying makeup with the right techniques immediately reduces sagging


Taking to her YouTube channel, the makeup artist recently explained: “I’m going to teach you how to get plastic surgery without the surgery part.

“These simple makeup tricks and tips will have you looking your absolute best in the most powerful phase of your female life, which is age 50 and beyond.”

She cautioned against one mistake that ages parts of the face.

“If you put dark eyeshadow on the entire lid and light eyeshadow on the crease, the lid will become smaller looking and sink in and the crease, where you have the most sagger, will come forward and look saggier,” Gabi explained.

Naturally, the placement of eyeliner is widely influential on how lifted the eyes will appear.

“If you put black eyeliner to the end of the lashline, following the lash line, then you’re going to get this sinking effect on the side of the eyes, making them look droopier. It looks really really bad,” the makeup artist declared.

To combat this effect, Gabi recommends using a windshield motion with a brush to apply a matte eye shadow to the crease area.

“If there’s any sagging in this area, it’s going to immediately recede and minimise it,” she noted.

Adding additional luminiser to the middle of the eyelid will further brighten up the eye and create the illusion of a bigger eye.


Applying makeup in the right places will knock years off the face


The key to bigger-looking eyes is to add light and brightness to the middle and inner corners of the lid, explains Gabi.

What’s more, the aim should always be to extend the outer corner of the eyes to make them look more open and lifted.

Skin preparation is also paramount before applying makeup because it ensures you’re applying products to a smooth canvas.

It comes as Diane Ackers, TV host & beauty expert for Doctors Formula Cosmeceuticals, recently shared her techniques on how to rejuvenate the eye area.

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