A book banned from the Bible written more than 2,100 years ago could change what Christians believe to be the ‘truth’ about the Great Flood.

Known as the Book of Jubilees, this ancient text features a more supernatural, detailed and structured explanation of the events of the story of Noah.

While the ancient scripture was discovered around the 1950s, it has resurfaced on social media where Nick Di Fabio shared how ‘for generations, church authorities kept it sealed away from believers.’

The Book of Genesis says the flood happened because humanity had become wicked, while the omitted text states it was due to ‘the Watchers,’ or fallen angels, taking human wives and having giant offspring who devoured everything.

The Book of Jubilees describes the violence and corruption the giants and their descendants brought, such as cannibalization and sinning, leading to widespread evil on Earth.

‘And the Lord destroyed everything from off the face of the earth; because of the wickedness of their deeds, and because of the blood which they had shed in the midst of the earth He destroyed everything,’ reads Chapter 10:25.

The Book of Jubilee was discovered in caves along the northwest shore of the Dead Sea, about 15 miles east of Jerusalem.

While the chapters retell the books of Genesis and Exodus, it was not considered canonical by the Jewish and Christian communities because of supernatural elements and lack of spiritual content and apostolic authorship.

The Book of Jubilee was discovered near the Dead Sea, making it part of the Dead Sea Scroll collection. It features features a more supernatural, detailed and structured explanation of the events of the story of Noah

Details about the Book of Jubilees were recently shared on X, sharing how the text was not included in the traditional Bible

Details about the Book of Jubilees were recently shared on X, sharing how the text was not included in the traditional Bible

‘This book claims to be the divine revelation given directly to Moses on Mount Sinai. But unlike Genesis… It wasn’t written by Moses himself,’ Di Fabio shared in a post viewed by nearly four million people.

‘Angels supposedly placed the words in writing while Moses listened. This direct celestial authorship threatened the authority of religious leaders.’ 

Jubilees begins one year after Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt and God tells him to go up to the Mount to receive the Ten Commandments, which is part of the traditional Book of Exodus.

But Jubilees details how Moses was also given ‘the earlier and the later history of the division of all the days of the law and of the testimony.’

God said: ‘Incline thine heart to every word which I shall speak to thee on this mount, and write them in a book in order that their generations may see how I have not forsaken them for all the evil.’

The first chapter then describes how God told to the angel of presence to write down he complete history of the creation for Moses.

Unlike the Book of Genesis, Jubilees says Eve was brought to the Garden of Eden on the eighth day. The former does not provide a specific timeline for her creation.

Supernatural themes make their way into the story by chapter five when humans began to multiply, including many daughters that angels were captivated by. 

While the traditional Book of Genesis says God flooded the earth because humans were wicked, the Book of Jubilees said it was due to fallen angels and their giant offspring

‘They took themselves wives of all whom they chose, and they bare unto them sons and they were giants,’ according to the first verse.

‘And lawlessness increased on the earth and all flesh corrupted its way, alike men and cattle and beasts and birds and everything that walks on the earth -all of them corrupted their ways and their orders, and they began to devour each other, and lawlessness increased on the earth and every imagination of the thoughts of all men (was) thus evil continually.’

The book claims God was planning to destroy the earth until he saw Noah, who made an ark ‘on the new moon of the first month.’

Then the seven flood-gates of heaven were opened, rising ’15 cubits’ above the tallest mountains and waters ‘prevailed for five months – 150 days.’

While the flood was meant to annihilate all life on the earth, the book says the giants were turned into ‘unclean demons’ that led Noah’s sons astray.

The book then narrates an order for the angels to capture and imprison the spirits, but also names Satan who requests some remain on Earth to tempt and corrupt humans.

God has 90 percent of the spirits imprisoned, while the rest are allowed to stay under Satan’s control to test and mislead people.

Many books of ancient text were not accepted by the Jewish and Christian faith, with one describing that claimed King Solomon had power over evil.

There are many books of ancient text that were not accepted by the Jewish and Christian faith, with one describing that claimed King Solomon had power over evil. The 1,600-year-old amulet features King Solomon on horseback with a spear in his hands as he defeats the devil

Solomon, the son of King David, was the focus of a chapter written between the 1st and 5th centuries AD, but it was not accepted into the canonical Bible due to its emphasis on magic and demonology. Similar to the Book of Jubilees.

Titled ‘Testament of Solomon,’ the book begins with the Archangel Michael gifting Solomon a magical ring to summon, interrogate and control demons.

However, archaeologists discovered a 1,600-year-old bronze pendant in 2024 that featured imagery of Solomon defeating the devil with the ancient Greek inscription, ‘Our Lord defeated the devil.’

A team from Karabük University in Turkey found the artifact at the ancient city of Hadrianopolis.

There were also names of four holy angels, Azrail, Gabriel, Michael and Israfil, on the back of the amulet, which supported the notion the amulet was used as a symbol of protection. 

Solomon is featured in three books of the Bible, with 1 Kings 3:12 saying that God gifted him with ‘a wise and discerning heart, so that there will never have been anyone like you, nor will there ever be.’

The Bible also described how he generated extreme wealth while king., accumulating at least 25 tons of gold annually.

In 2 Chronicles 1:11, the scripture describes: ‘But since you have asked for wisdom and knowledge to lead my people, over whom I have made you king, I will give you wisdom and knowledge.

‘I will also give you more wealth, riches, and honor than any king who has lived before you or any who will live after you.’

But the Testament of Solomon tells a different side of the wealthy king, one who battled demons – and the amulet suggested that ancient people believed the stories to be true.

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