Joe Biden and Donald Trump are preparing for their first debate ahead of November’s presidential election as the race for the White House heats up.

The debate marks the first major challenge between the two White House hopefuls and could be vital for swinging the polls in their favour.

The CNN debate is being held in Atlanta, Georgia, a key swing state which helped tip the balance of the 2020 vote with Biden winning the state by less than 12,000 votes.

In a break from tradition, there will be no live audience, and CNN harbours the ability to shut off the candidates’ microphones when they violate the terms in which they are allowed to speak.

Biden’s team will be concerned about the 81-year-old pulling out another one of his trademark gaffes, but Trump could face more scrutiny over his recent legal travails that saw him dealt with criminal convictions.

Biden team prepares anti-Trump abortion advert

Biden will attack Trump on his abortion stance


One of Joe Biden’s main points of attack in tonight’s debate is expected to be Trump’s stance on abortion.

His criticism may not be saved solely for the debate, according to US reports, with an advert set to be broadcast during one of the breaks.

Biden will attack the Republican on the overturning of Roe v Wade, the landmark case that recognised a right to abortion.

“These laws are truly barbaric. They are putting us back decades, if not centuries,” a doctor says in the advert, according to CNN. “Donald Trump did this. He put women’s lives in danger.”

Talk over Trump’s VP pick heats up – and a candidate who ‘terrifies’ the Democrats has been mooted

Ben Carson and Marco Rubio are two possible picks


CNN political analyst Bakari Sellers says tonight’s debate could provide some indication as to who Donald Trump’s running mate will be.

A plethora of names have been linked, but Sellers thinks Trump could opt for a “wildcard”.

Two of the candidates he suggested are Ben Carson, a loyal Trump ally who worked in his administration, and Marco Rubio, who according to Sellers would “terrify” the Democrats.

Ben Carson has previously spoken to GBN America about the prospect of being Trump’s running mate, and you can read more here.

Trump touches down

Donald Trump greeted crowds before making a swift departure


Donald Trump has touched down ahead of a big night for the former president.

The 78-year-old acknowledged supporters by waving and applauding before climbing into his blacked-out Chevrolet.

Trump never conceded the 2020 election loss to Biden and broke with tradition by refusing to attend his opponent’s inauguration.

Since his failure to win a second term, Trump has been laser focused on seeking to regain power and tonight’s clash with his old foe will be key in swinging the deadlocked polls.

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