A jobless 60-year-old man smashed the windscreen of a woman’s car because she turned around in the driveway of his mother’s house where he lived.

Derick Willard flew into a rage when he spotted Somita Yogi pull into his mother’s driveway in Tonbridge, Kent, and turn her silver Toyota Verso around so she could pick up her son who had been studying with his tutor nearby.

Her actions infuriated Willard who ran from the home and started shouting and swearing at Mrs Yogi and her husband who was also in the vehicle.

As she tried to drive away, Willard started punching her car and then hit the windscreen with his fists twice and smashed it.

The matter was reported to police and Willard was invited for an interview but refused to speak to officers, so he was arrested.

Derick Willard, 60, flew into a rage when he spotted Somita Yogi pull into his mother's driveway in Tonbridge, Kent, and turn her car around

Derick Willard, 60, flew into a rage when he spotted Somita Yogi pull into his mother’s driveway in Tonbridge, Kent, and turn her car around

Willard was later charged and admitted criminal damage when he appeared before magistrates in Maidstone on June 11.

The court heard it cost the couple £164 to get the windscreen replaced after paying the excess on their insurance to get it fixed.

Rajni Prashar, prosecuting, said: ‘This incident happened on October 24, last year at about 2pm.

‘Mrs Yogi and her husband were in their car driving along Three Elm Lane in Tonbridge to collect their son from his tutor and turned left after the BP garage and she decided to turn around and started the manoeuvre.

‘It was at this point a man ran out and started shouting and swearing and as they were in the car they couldn’t really understand but thought he might be angry about them turning their car and went to open the door to tell him to calm down.

Willard was later charged and admitted criminal damage when he appeared before magistrates in Maidstone on June 11

‘But he hit their car with his fist and then hit the windscreen with his fists twice and it smashed and had a crack in it.

‘He was identified via a DNA sample and was invited for a voluntary interview but refused to go, so was arrested.

‘He’s of previous good character.’

Miss Prashar also told the court Mrs Yogi had given a victim impact statement about the incident in which she said she had not done anything wrong and that his aggression that day had affected her so much she no longer sent her son to his tutor as she couldn’t face driving near to Willard’s home.

She also said she couldn’t drive her car for three days until it was fixed.

The court heard it cost the couple £164 to get the windscreen replaced after paying the excess on their insurance to get it fixed 

Defending himself, Willard, who still lives with his mum and doesn’t work, said: ‘They turned round in our drive. People are always doing it – it’s not a through road.

‘They tried to run me over. It upset me.’

Magistrates said they had listened to the circumstances carefully and were prepared to place Willard on a 12-month conditional discharge but warned him if he committed another offence in that time, he would be brought back before the courts and punished for this offence as well as any new one.

He was also ordered to pay a Mrs Yogi £164 compensation as well as a victim surcharge of £26 and £85 court costs.

Willard told the court he would pay what he owes the court in one go, so magistrates allowed 28 days for him to make the £275 payment.

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