Jeremy Clarkson has delved into his decision to try and remedy an ongoing health problem he’s been having for over a decade.

While Clarkson is regularly put through his paces and kept on his feet at Diddly Squat farm, he’s revealed he’s begun to struggle with his hearing.

Writing in his latest column, Clarkson admitted he’s been enduring “selective deafness” for the past 12 years but has managed to “cope”.

“It’s not that I can’t hear anything. If you were to stand at the bottom of my garden and whisper, ‘Would you like a glass of wine?’ I’d be there in a jiffy. But if you stood right next to me and asked me to empty the dishwasher, I’d just get a Garfunkelly sound of silence,” Clarkson mused.

However, he’s now sought a resolution following a recent health check-up.

Clarkson admitted: “But I was told after my most recent medical that hearing loss will double the chance of me catching dementia.”

Jeremy Clarkson admitted he took action after discovering it’d increase his chances of dementia


As a result, Clarkson has decided to purchase hearing aids in order to remedy any loss of hearing he’s experiencing.

He described them as “very snazzy and extremely clever” – although he added in his Sunday Times piece he wouldn’t be reading the instructions for them.

His latest health woe comes just a few months after he revealed he was worried about his rising blood pressure after he tried to give up smoking.

He wrote in the Sun back in the summer: “For most of my adult life, stern-faced doctors warned me that if I didn’t give up smoking, I would suffer from an agonising and premature death. So six years ago I bit the bullet and replaced my 40-a-day habit with sheet after sheet of full-strength nicotine gum.

“And this week a doctor said it’s causing a worrying rise in my blood pressure and that if I don’t pack it in soon, I will suffer from an agonising and premature death.”

Luckily for Clarkson, the hearing aids shouldn’t affect the day-to-day running of things on his Chipping Norton farm.

Fans will be able to catch the latest goings-on from Diddly Squat when season three of Clarkson’s Farm premieres next year but in the meantime, both Clarkson and Kaleb Cooper have been providing regular updates of what fans can expect.

And it sounds like it’s not just Clarkson who’s undergoing a major change in his life as Cooper took to Instagram over the weekend to tease a new career move.

WATCH NOW: Kaleb Cooper teases career switch 

Taking to Instagram, Cooper shared a video where he admitted: “I want to learn… drum roll… butchery.

“I want to go on a few courses and learn butchery and then I can add that to my CV.

“So, if anyone out there who wants to teach me it, please message me. I’d love to learn and I think I’d be fairly good at it, but it’s a new skill and it’s a dying trade actually.

“There’s not many young people coming into the industry of butchery, so I would love to learn it,” Cooper explained.

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