Now I need to warn you this next story could be distressing for some viewers.
The BBC’s poor editorial judgment continues.
Look I don’t like carrying on about them because I think there is a place for them and I have benefited from some of their excellent training.
But In 2016 the BBC put together a documentary called ‘To Hell and Back’, It was about a Syrian family, the Baddredin’s, who were given refuge status in the UK.
Nana Akua says the documentary ‘tugged at the heartstrings’
It tugged at the heartstrings in all the right places and had the usual BBC victimhood spin as it followed their 11 month journey from Syria to Newcastle, my place of birth, I’m a Geordie and proud.
This was all part of a refugee settlement program.
During the time filming, which should’ve rung alarm bells, the BBC became aware of criminal proceedings against the son Omar.
Katie Razzall was the ex-Newsnight journalist who interviewed the family after the trial where Omar told her “I felt she – The accuser – didn’t want foreigners in this country and that is why she made the whole thing up”.
Katie did not challenge it and added she “believes Omar was at the heart of the case against them”.
She even claimed that “The Syrian men appeared less sexually experienced than the girls they were supposed to have attacked”..
Nana Akua has hit out at the BBC
Where were Ofcom? Oh yes, I forgot, it’s down to the BBC to refer themselves!
In the documentary they couldn’t wait to show the far right and Newcastle, in my view, came off very badly…
Well, only this week Omar Beddredin and his brother Mohamed with two others were given a 38.5- year sentence for rape of a girl they abused between 2018 and 2019.. pretty much destroyed her life, repeatedly raping and torturing her.
Neil O’Brien MP, a former Minister said:“The BBC showed poor editorial judgement in commissioning this fawning documentary, more interested in airing an unchallenged accusation.
“Given they smeared a young girl as sexually experienced and failed to challenge the racism accusations made by someone who turns out to be a sexual predator, you would hope there would be a bit more contrition”
But a BBC Spokesperson said: “The BBC can only report on the facts as they stand at the time, which is what we did in 2016, The Bedreddin’s subsequent crimes are appalling and we express our sincere sympathies to their victims”
I don’t know about you, but I’m getting a bit tired of the BBC preaching their holier than thou principles….