As spring arrives across the UK, homeowners face an increase in pest populations that can cause damage to gardens and properties.
Five common pests become particularly problematic during this season: aphids, fleas, wasps, earwigs, and woodlice.
Each of these pests thrives in the warmer, damper conditions that spring brings, creating nuisances for British households.
Fortunately, there are affordable and effective methods to identify and control these seasonal invaders. Experts at WhatCost shared tips to get rid of the pests in your outdoor space.
Aphids are common garden pests
Aphids survive winter as eggs, hatching when temperatures rise in spring. These tiny pear-shaped insects come in various colours and cause significant garden damage.
They suck juices from plants, causing discolouration, and produce honeydew that attracts ants.
Fortunately, controlling aphids is straightforward and cost-effective. Simply spray affected plants with a garden hose to knock the pests off.
Most aphids won’t return to the plant after being washed away, making this an easy solution for gardeners. Fleas thrive in warmer spring conditions, typically entering homes via pets.
These small reddish-brown insects move quickly and are attracted to body heat and carbon dioxide. They cause irritation through continuous biting and can potentially spread disease.
Identifying fleas involves checking pets for these fast-moving pests. Affordable control methods include thoroughly bathing pets with soap and water.
Using a flea comb is also effective for removing fleas from pets and hairy parts of the human body. Queen wasps emerge from hibernation in spring, leading to increased wasp populations.
During this time, queens seek nesting sites, often in and around homes for shelter. Early nest removal prevents more dangerous situations later in the season.
Wasps are particularly disliked for their painful stings and persistent annoyance. Control methods include traps (£4 to £12), sprays (£6 to £20), and removing food sources.
For significant infestations, professional help is recommended (£50 to £100 per nest) as DIY removal can lead to injury.
Earwig populations grow during spring, reaching their peak in late May. These pests bite garden plants, potentially damaging or killing them.
Though not dangerous to humans, earwigs often appear in bathrooms, bedrooms and boiler rooms. They can be identified by their inch-long, flattened brown bodies.
There are various ways to get rid of pests in your garden
Supermarket bug sprays (£4 to £8) or traps (£5 to £15) are effective solutions for managing earwig infestations. Woodlice flourish in spring’s damp, mild conditions.
These small creatures with segmented exoskeletons can damage wooden structures both inside and outside homes. This damage weakens furniture, potentially causing safety hazards such as collapsing chairs.
Several affordable solutions exist for woodlice control. Homeowners can seal entry points to wooden areas, use specialist powders (£2 to £8), or set traps (£5 to £15).
Pest control expert at WhatCost Joshua Houston explained: “After the winter season, the UK sees a rise in pest activity. This is due to the increase in temperature and the return of a lot of plant life.
“Pests can cost you a lot of money in damages, so it’s important that you are aware of what to look for.
“Fortunately, with these five tips, the pest control methods are simple and very affordable. Follow the tips given above, and it should sort your pest problem in no time.”