Experts have advised Americans to let rip – in other words, to stop holding in their gas.
Failing to relieve yourself could, at best, lead to painful bloating and soreness and, at worst, tear the tissue in the colon, doctors say.
One gastroenterologist has warned that, in rare cases, part of the bowel can burst – leading to potentially life-threatening complications.
Dr Rosario Ligresti, chief of gastroenterology at Hackensack University Medical Center in New Jersey, said: ‘Holding gas in can be uncomfortable due to intestinal distension, leading to bloating or nausea. It is not recommended.’
It comes after experts warn that women are often the worst affected by gut problems, partly because they feel more pressure to ‘hold it in’.
Last September, a group of doctors raised awareness of a little-known condition called parcopresis – the technical term for ‘shy bowel syndrome’ – and highlighted that the majority of sufferers are women.
Gas build up in our body when we have gas in our digestive tract, which may come from swallowed air or fermented fiber from food
The problem happens when sufferers become ashamed of their bodily functions to the extent that they try to stop them from happening.
This results in agonizing constipation, as well as anxiety and stress.
A UK report from 2019 found that women accounted for about 60 percent of all hospital admissions related to constipation.
One woman from Ireland reportedly had to have her appendix removed after being too embarrassed to fart in front of her boyfriend for two years.
Irritable bowel syndrome – shooting abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea – which affects 15 percent of Americans, is twice as likely to affect women compared to men.
They are also a whopping 700 percent more likely than men to have a ‘debilitating’ gut disease called microscopic colitis, which causes colon inflammation leading to persistent diarrhea.
So what happens when you hold it in – and why can it be harmful?
Gas builds up in our digestive tract when we swallow air or eat fiber – which interacts with bacteria in our gut to produce gases.
When it accumulates, it must be released through burping or passing gas.
‘When you hold in a gas, you are tightening your anal sphincter muscles, i.e., the same muscles that help you control when it’s time to poop,’ Dr Elena Ivanina, director of neurogastroenterology and motility at Lenox Hill Hospital and founder of, told Livestrong.
Because the gas has nowhere else to move to, it remains stuck in the GI tract, at least temporarily.
But the gut is one long tube, so one part affects another, Dr Ivanina explained, meaning unreleased gas may lead to uncomfortable symptoms in other areas of the GI tract.
First off, it could cause bloating, leaving you with a rock hard, sometimes painful stomach.
Dr Ivanina said: ‘Bloating happens as your gut expands with gas and takes up more space in the abdominal cavity.’ This forces it to protrude.
You may also experience stomach pain.
‘Your gut is a tube and can only contain so much,’ Dr Ivanina said. ‘The more it expands with gas, the more distended and uncomfortable one feels.’
Your trapped gas can even travel to your lungs.
Dr Ivanina said: ‘Some gas is absorbed through the gut wall into the bloodstream and can ultimately get to the lungs and be exhaled.’
A 2018 study by Clare Collins, a professor in nutrition and dietetics at Australia’s University of Newcastle, also found that gas can be absorbed by the blood.
‘Trying to hold it in leads to a build up of pressure and major discomfort,’ she said.
In more serious cases, withholding gas can cause issues in people with rare conditions such as a bowel obstruction.
If you have an obstruction in your colon – such as a hernia or from some types of cancers – holding in gas could seriously injure you.
This happens when there is a blockage in the GI tract that prevents food or poop from passing though the intestines.
‘In that case, the colon blows up like a balloon because of the blockage,’ Lisa Ganjhu, a doctor of osteopathy and a clinical assistant professor of medicine and gastroenterology at NYU Langone Medical Center in New York City told Women’s Health.
‘If there are any weaknesses in the walls, eventually it can burst,’ she added.
In this instance, not letting rip can increase intra-abdominal pressure and swelling, which can result in an actual rip in the form of tearing.
In theory, holding in gas too often could cause problems further down the line, as it may lead you to develop diverticulosis, Dr Ivanina said – a condition where small pouches develop in the gut lining and become inflamed.
She said: ‘Diverticulosis is the presence of pouches in the digestive tract that develop due to increased pressure in the colon and a weakened gut wall.
‘Theoretically, if there is a constant high volume of gas in the gut putting pressure on the wall, one could imagine it would increase the risk of developing these outpouchings.’
But this remains just a hypothesis, she emphasized.
Experts theorize that another reason why women suffer more gut symptoms is due to their monthly cycles.
Women with IBS often see their symptoms worsen around the time of their monthly period thanks to hormone fluctuations, particularly estrogen and progesterone, which are crucial regulators of normal bodily functions like digestion.
Women also are more affected psychologically by GI symptoms, according to doctors at Weill Cornell Medicine, with women reporting more depression and anxiety and a decreased quality of life.
As is the case with many uniquely female health conditions, such as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD), and endometriosis, IBS and other GI disorders are the result of a complex interplay of psychological and physical factors.
Dr Arefa Cassoobhoy, an internal medicine specialist in Atlanta, said: ‘The one thing that experts are certain about is that your gender plays a role.
‘A growing body of research shows that sex hormones, like estrogen and progesterone, may be the reason. They can trigger IBS symptoms, which may explain why you have more flare-ups at different points of your menstrual cycle.’
An Irish barista Cara Clarke, 19, allegedly had to get her appendix removed after she held in her farts around her boyfriend for two years.
She told the Nottingham Post she went to the hospital after suffering ‘extreme stomach pain’, where doctors determined she has an infection that meant she needed her appendix taken out before it burst.
Cara said: ‘I do hold in my farts but I didn’t think I would be in hospital over it.
‘I’m pretty easy-going other than the burps and farts… I was in so much pain I couldn’t hold in my tears. My doctor said to me, “I’m so, so sorry you’re in so much pain.”‘