Locals have blasted their neighbour’s ‘monstrosity’ extension after claiming the build will wreck their privacy. 

Builder Danny Dare has been granted permission by his local council for a dormer extension – adding an extra storey at his home in Bolton, Greater Manchester.

But some neighbours said it will look into at least one of the bungalows behind his home.

They believe their privacy will be impacted and are convinced that Mr Dare will renovate the house and then sell it.

Pictures taken from the quiet suburban estate show the new extension offering views into several neighbours’ gardens. 

Neighbours of a homeowner who has been allowed to build a huge loft extension overlooking their homes have slammed it

Neighbours of a homeowner who has been allowed to build a huge loft extension overlooking their homes have slammed it 

Pictures taken from the quiet suburban estate show the new exstension looming into the sky

Retired motor businessman Derek Halliwell, 72, described it as an ‘abomination’ 

Retired motor businessman Derek Halliwell, 72, said: ‘It’s an abomination – it just looks horrible.

‘It’s so out of place and really does not fit in with the area.

‘It is now a three-storey house and looks out over all bungalows. It is madly overdeveloped.

‘Everyone thinks it is a monstrosity, and it is.

‘The house is going to be five or even six beds. It is so over-developed and he is is obviously going to sell it as soon as he’s done it up.

‘That’s what I would do if I was him.’

The keen biker, who used to run a car service business, said: ‘There were about six objections to this but we have a lot of elderly pensioners and I’m sure they didn’t know how to lodge a complaint over the internet.’

His fellow neighbour Walt Gent, 64, said: ‘It’s a massive invasion of my family’s privacy.

‘Anyone in that extension can not only look into our bedroom but our bed where my wife sleeps.

‘It’s a mad decision to allow it but we don’t seem to have any recompense.

‘The council seem to have made their decision and that’s that.’

Neighbours now fear Mr Dare will use the renovation to sell up and move on leaving them to pick up the pieces

Many neighbours have described the exstension as a ‘montrosity’ 

His son Alistair Gent, 19, added: ‘It’s crazy this has been allowed to go through.

‘People aren’t happy about this.’

However a few neighbours overlooking Mr Dare’s house are happy with the extension.

One woman, 88, who did not wish to be named, said: ‘Danny seems a very nice man.

‘I have no problem with him building the extension and it’s at the bottom of my garden.’

Mr Dare applied for the development on Ainscow Avenue when the work was already underway for more than a month.

Bolton Council’s planning committee approved the plan on September 12 to allow the dormer extension to turn a two-storey, three-bedroom house into a three-storey, five-bedroom house.

Mr Dare was approached for comment.

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