A good skin care routine can dramatically improve your skin, and Britons are advised to follow one in the mornings and evenings.
Speaking exclusively to GB News, an expert suggested three steps to follow in the evening for the perfect routine.
Skin care expert at sk:n Corine Tracey advised women to “double cleanse” their skin.
The first cleanse will help to remove any makeup and product they have on, and the second will help to unclog pores.
An evening skin care routine should be focused on repairing the skin
Corine said: “Start with an oil-based cleanser to remove makeup and SPF, followed by a gentle cleanser to prevent clogged pores.”
Once the skin is fully cleansed, apply a reparative serum with either niacinamide, peptides, or hyaluronic acid as an ingredient.
The expert explained: “It supports collagen production overnight, hydration and skin barrier repair.”
A study published in the National Library of Medicine said: “Application of a skin care regimen comprised of a hyaluronic acid-based serum and a peptide-rich cream led to substantial improvements in skin texture, skin tone, lines [and] wrinkles on the face and neck over 12 weeks. Both products were well-tolerated with a high level of subject satisfaction.”
The third step the expert suggested is applying a targeted night cream or retinol.
Corine advised: “A hydrating night cream replenishes moisture, while retinol (used two to three times per week if tolerated) stimulates skin renewal, reduces fine lines and improves skin texture.”
A study also published in the National Library of Medicine concluded: “Amongst various anti-ageing agents, retinoids are the most promising agents that are available for the treatment of ageing.”
This comes as a 101-year-old woman shared the morning skin care routine she has followed all her life.
The skin care expert advised using a targeted night cream or retinol
“They keep asking me what your skin care routine is because you look so good for 101”, her 26-year-old grandson shared before detailing the centenarian’s daily regimen of cleansers, serums and creams.
Her morning routine begins with an anti-ageing cleanser which she applies to both face and body.
She follows this with a hyaluronic cream, which she prefers for daytime use.
“It feels delicious,” she described. “It absorbs into the skin and does leave skin feeling greasy.”