Britons have been warned that two Amazon products that pose choking and electrical shock risks have been rejected at the border. This means that anyone who has ordered the products will not receive them.

The Office for Product Safety and Standards (OPSS) alerted Britons to the removals.

A Wax Warmer for home use did not meet the Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations 2016.

Similarly, a pair of Spider Web Shooters designed for children did not meet necessary standards, failing the requirements of the Toys (Safety) Regulations 2011.

The Wax Warmer poses a ‘serious risk of electric shock’


Rejected products

Wax Warmer, WAX-5001 & 5002

Model: WAX-5001 and WAX-5002

Amazon product identifiers: X0021OL857, FBA15JH42NY0U000061


Country of Origin: China

Product Description: A large pink wax warmer for home use with scented melts

Additional information

PSD case number: 2501-0003

Notified by: Local Authority Trading Standards

Spider Web Shooters

Type: Toys – Spider web shooters

Amazon product identifiers: X0023SKI1L, FBA15JHB9X6QU000028, TXJ-FSQ-Xisu-2PC

Country of Origin: China

Product Description: A set of Spider-Man styled gloves and toy rope shooters

Additional information

PSD notification number: 2501-0006

Notified by: Local Authority Trading Standards

Regarding the wax warmer, the OPSS stated: “The product presents a serious risk of electric shock as there is a lack of protection from access to its live parts.

“As the product is inadequately earthed and does not notify the consumer in the instructions, the insulation could break down during use.

“This then means that the metal parts accessible to the consumer become live, giving the consumer an electric shock were they to touch them.”

Concerning the Spider Web Shooters, the OPSS stated: “The product presents a high risk of choking due to the easy production of small parts.

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