If you act now, you can secure a two-month subscription to Kindle Unlimited for free — allowing you to download and read millions of best-selling fiction and non-fiction books, audiobooks, and magazines. Cancel anytime and you won’t be charged a thing.
However, you won’t be able to access any unfinished Kindle books at the end of the trial period until you buy the books separately or resubscribe, so make sure you’ve got plenty of time to finish as many of the Kindle Unlimited novels, magazines, and audiobooks included.
Usually £9.49 per month, the subscription is like Netflix for books, offering a rotating selection of new novels, classic page-turners, non-fiction reads, magazines, and audiobooks. It’s also one of the most expensive monthly subscriptions that Amazon offers — costing more than Prime, making these an incredible giveaway.
Read millions of Kindle books, magazines, and audiobooks for £0
Amazon is offering two months of its priciest monthly subscription — Kindle Unlimited — for free. If you have an eligible account, you’ll be able to sign-up for the free trial and read millions of Kindle ebooks, magazines, and audiobooks for two months. Cancel anytime and you won’t be charged a penny for anything that you read. Don’t worry if you don’t own a Kindle, everything is available via an app oniPhone, iPad, Android phone, PC, or tablet, to name just a few
Kindle Unlimited
Don’t own a Kindle device? No worries, it’s possible to access the millions of free books bundled as part of Kindle Unlimited, everything is available on your iPhone, iPad, Android phone, PC, or tablet using the Kindle app.
You can switch between any of these gadgets — handy if you find yourself with a wait but you’ve left your tablet at home — with reading progress synchronised between all of your devices.
Cancel anytime during the two-month trial period and you’ll be charged nothing from the online retailer.
The most recent entry-level Kindle has the most compact design, with a pocketable 6-inch e-ink screen
Kindle Unlimited is one of the priciest subscriptions available from Amazon, costing £9.49 per month. In comparison, Prime Video — which competes with Disney+ and Netflix — costs just £5.99 per month.
But that hefty price tag is what makes this latest giveaway such an incredible deal.
Amazon has offered these types of deals before. In the weeks before Christmas, it offered three-months of Kindle Unlimited for 99p. Although this latest Kindle Unlimited price crash will only last for two months, it’s completely free of charge.
If you take advantage of the deal, you’ll be able to read from the selection of books, audiobooks, and magazines included with Kindle Unlimited until mid-October.
Several of Amazon’s best-selling Kindle ereaders boast a water-resistant case, so you can read in the bath, on the beach, or in a swimming pool without any worry about damaging the device
With Kindle Unlimited, you’ll be able to download and read bestsellers from the likes of Colleen Hoover, Matt Brolly, Amanda Prowse, Dean Koontz, Teresa Driscoll, and Melinda Leigh, to name just a few. The complete Harry Potter book series is also bundled as part of the monthly subscription.
“With Kindle Unlimited, you can reread your favourite series or discover a new series that you’ll love,” Amazon teases on its sign-up page.
For a limited time, you can unlock two months of Kindle ebooks, magazines, and audiobooks for £0… as long as you cancel before the end of the free trial period
Magazines like Cosmopolitan, Grazia, BBC Good Food Magazine, OK!, and Autocar are also included, with new issues available to download and read across any device with the Kindle app.
If you’d rather rest your eyes, Kindle Unlimited includes a limited number of audiobooks to stream from your car infotainment system, Bluetooth speakers, iPhone or Android apps.
Several Kindle models, like the Kindle Paperwhite and Kindle Oasis, support audio files, so you can connect a pair of wireless earbuds to listen to audiobooks on your ereader.
Unfortunately, if you recently took advantage of another free trial or discount to Kindle Unlimited, you won’t be eligible for this latest promotion. Unsure? Check if your account qualifies here.
Word of warning — if you sign-up for Kindle Unlimited at £0, Amazon will automatically renew your subscription at full price unless cancelled at some point during the two months. Remember to dive into your account settings and cancel the subscription immediately to avoid a charge in the coming weeks.