Alastair Stewart revealed the one request he made to Queen Camilla on the first episode of GB News’ new podcast The Royal Record.

The 72-year-old spoke about his recent “thrilling” visit to the palace for a reception hosted by Queen Camilla.

The former newsreader visited the palace in May with his wife, Sally Stewart, who he affectionately describes as ‘Sal.’

Speaking to GB News’ Royal Correspondent Cameron Walker and Royal Editor of Svar Nanan-Sen on the podcast, Alastair described waiting in line to greet the Queen, however, his wife was not called up in the lineup.

Alastair Stewart asked the Queen if he could introduce her to his wife


Alastair’s one request for the Queen was to allow him to introduce her to his wife, Sally.

He said: “And when I was introduced to Her Majesty, I said ‘forgive me, may I introduce my wife to you, ma’am? Because she and I are going down to the Ebony Horse Club after this wonderful event which is a charity that we also have in common’.

“And Her Majesty simply smiled and said, ‘Yes, of course.’”

Alastair continued: “And so I just encouraged Sal to come over and Sal did a brilliant curtsy and they then engaged in banter, royal banter and Sally Stewart banter about the Ebony Horse Club.”

Alastair Stewart during Episode 1 of GB News’ podcast The Royal Record GB News

Cameron added with a chuckle: “Royal banter in the bow room of Buckingham Palace.”

To which Alastair exclaimed: “Absolutely.”

The Queen became the proud President of Ebony’s Horse Club in 2009 and has undertaken multiple engagements with the club since then.

The club works with young people in one of London’s most deprived inner city areas to teach them how to ride.

Queen Camilla speaks to Alastair Stewart as she hosts a reception at Buckingham Palace in LondonPA


Camilla has a love of horses and riding like the late Queen Elizabeth


Camilla is known for her love of riding and horses- a passion she shared with her mother-in-law, the late Queen Elizabeth II.

At another point in the podcast, Alastair spoke about the “only rule of engagement” when attending an engagement at Buckingham Palace.

He explained the rule is that you “couldn’t take your mobile phone in and take happy snaps.”

Alastair Stewart worked as a newsreader for ITV News for more than 35 years before joining GB News in 2021 and announcing his retirement as a regular broadcaster in March 2023.

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