From wetting the bed to acne, we have crunched the numbers on the success rate of every single disability claim.
It comes after the Work and Pensions Secretary announced plans to wipe £5billion off the welfare bill, with the bulk of the cuts being made to the Personal Independence Payment (PIP) disability benefit.
Liz Kendall told the Commons on Tuesday: “Every day there are more than 1,000 new PIP awards – that’s the equivalent of adding a population the size of Leicester every single year. That is not sustainable long-term above all for the people who depend on this support.”
Eligibility criteria will be tightened from November 2026, restricting the daily living component to those with the most severe disabilities, she said.
According to the latest available data, the overall average success rate for PIP claims is 51.63 per cent, but there are wide disparities between conditions
According to official data from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), as of January 2025, approximately 3.7 million individuals in England and Wales were entitled to PIP.
PIP is a benefit designed to assist individuals with disabilities or health conditions that affect their daily living or mobility.
The amount received depends on the severity of the condition and its impact on the individual’s life. While the maximum annual payment can reach up to £9,500, not all claimants receive this amount, however.
According to the latest available data, the overall average success rate for PIP claims is 51.63 per cent, but there are wide disparities between conditions.
DWP figures from October 2024, which were released in February 2025, shows that acne claims are only successful 15 per cent of the time.
Bedwetting is twice as likely to be awarded, with a success rate of 35 per cent. Constipation, meanwhile, falls somewhere in the middle of these conditions with a success rate of 27 per cent.
Claims related to writer’s cramp, which is thought to be related to poor writing posture and overuse, are awarded almost 50 per cent of the time.
Likewise, club foot and a cleft palate are approved half of the time, with a success rate of 48.9 and 47.6 respectively.
The Disability Benefits Consortium condemned the “cruel cuts”.
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease – marked by changes in mental abilities – has a 100 per cent success rate, followed by Down’s syndrome at 99 per cent (see chart).
Here’s the full list of PIP success rates for different conditions, from highest to lowest:
Abdomen – Injuries/Fracture/Dislocation of 50.25%
Achondroplasia 85.53%
Acne vulgaris 15.38%
Addison’s disease 45.36%
ADHD / ADD 49.01%
Adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder) 38.47%
Adrenal diseases – Other / type not known 42.93%
Agoraphobia 65.78%
Alcohol misuse 63.55%
Allergy no risk of anaphylaxis 23.75%
Allergy risk of anaphylaxis unknown or not fully assessed 28.40%
Allergy with a risk of anaphylaxis 28.63%
Amblyopia 52.98%
Amino acid metabolism – disorders of 36.00%
Amputation – Lower limb(s) 87.61%
Amputation – Upper limb(s) 73.01%
Amputations – Upper & Lower limb/s 91.07%
Amyloidosis 79.74%
Anaemia – Aplastic 60.74%
Anaemia – B12 (pernicious)/folate deficiency 34.59%
Anaemia – Iron deficiency 33.30%
Anaemia – Sickle cell 46.78%
Anaemias – Other / type not known 40.23%
Aneurysm – aortic 58.51%
Aneurysm – cerebral 62.61%
Aneurysms – Other / type not known 53.77%
Angina 54.38%
Angioedema 38.75%
Angiosarcoma 82.22%
Ankle and foot disorders – Other / type not known 43.79%
Ankylosing spondylitis 67.06%
Anorectal abscess 36.68% Anorexia nervosa
72.56% Anterior Uveitis (iritis) 50.10%
Antiphospholipid syndrome 57.88%
Anxiety and depressive disorders – mixed 50.90%
Anxiety disorders – Other / type not known 42.07%
Aortic valve disease 46.68%
Arterial disease excluding coronary – Other / type not known 55.90%
Arthritis – Psoriatic 66.78%
Arthritis – Reactive 68.55%
Asbestosis 72.16%
Ascites 76.52%
Asperger syndrome 51.34%
Asthma 46.07%
Astigmatism 42.59%
Ataxia – Friedrich’s 91.79%
Ataxias – Other / type not known 79.50%
Atherosclerosis (PVD / Claudication) 63.24%
Atrial fibrillation/flutter 48.04%
Atrioseptal defect (ASD) 56.70%
Attention to artificial opening colostomy/ileostomy/ stoma – no underlying diagnosis 35.45%
Autism 72.40% Autoimmune (idiopathic) thrombocytopaenic purpura (ITP) 40.16%
Autoimmune disease – Other / type not known 57.48%
Autoimmune hepatitis 43.69%
Back pain – Non specific (mechanical) 55.90%
Back pain – Specific – Other / type not known 67.08%
Bacterial diseases – Other / type not known 54.24%
Bedwetting (enuresis) 34.81%
Behcet’s disease 55.77% Bipolar affective disorder (Hypomania / Mania) 61.06%
Bladder – cancer of 74.82%
Bladder urethra testes and penis – Other diseases of / type not known 27.27%
Blepharospasm 59.43%
Blood disorders – Type not known 48.49%
Blood vessels/lymphatics – Other diseases of / type not known 52.75%
Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) 52.29%
Bone – Other cancers of / type not known 85.54%
Bowel (colon recturm anus) – cancer of 86.09%
Brachial plexus 72.85%
Bradycardia 39.18%
Brain and spinal cord – cancer of 90.99%
Breast – cancer of 79.56%
Bronchiectasis 61.20%
Bronchus – cancer of 97.05%
Buerger’s disease 68.63%
Bulimia nervosa 57.20%
Bullous disease – Other / type not known 39.15%
Burns 59.18%
|Bursitis 50.93%
Cancers – Other / type not known 77.56%
Carbohydrate metabolism – disorders of 88.89%
Cardiac arrhythmia – Pacemaker/implantable defibrillator fitted 51.34% Cardiac arrhythmias – Other / type not known 43.27% Cardiac failure 63.21%
Cardiomyopathy 54.07%
Cardiovascular disease – Other / type not known 47.40%
Carpal tunnel syndrome 45.56%
Cataplexy 51.92%
Cataract 54.87%
Cellulitis 63.36%
Cerebral palsy – Ataxic 86.80%
Cerebral palsy – Athetoid 98.54%
Cerebral palsy – Diplegic 87.93%
Cerebral palsy – Hemiplegic 87.53%
Cerebral palsy – Other / type not known 85.37%
Cerebral palsy – Quadriplegic 99.47%
Cerebrovascular accident (stroke) 75.62%
Cerebrovascular disease – Other / type not known 65.24%
Cervical disc lesion 62.38%
Cervical spondylosis 63.90%
Cervix – cancer of 83.29%
Charcot Marie Tooth disease 73.25%
Chondromalacia patellae 53.44%
Chondrosarcoma 84.14%
Chorioretinal disorders – Other / type not known 59.52%
Chromosomal syndrome – other type / not known 76.59%
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) 54.42% Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) chronic bronchitis/emphysema 64.19%
Chronic secretory otitis media 26.79%
Chronic suppurative otitis media 28.00%
Cirrhosis – Alcohol induced 65.44%
Cirrhosis – Autoimmune 53.61%
Cirrhosis – Other / type not known 60.04%
Cleft lip 47.62%
Cleft lip with cleft palate 36.72%
Clotting disorders – Other / type not known 47.96%
Club foot (talipes) 48.90%
Coarctation of the aorta 47.09%
Coeliac disease 19.97%
Cognitive disorder due to stroke 86.82%
Cognitive disorders – Other / type not known 77.29%
Collagen and elastic tissue – Other diseases of / type not known 48.13%
Colon – Other diseases of / type not known 36.83%
Compartment syndrome (Volkmann’s ischaemia) 64.69%
Complications of prematurity 79.17%
Conduct disorder (including oppositional defiant disorder) 62.00%
Conductive hearing loss – Other causes of / type not known 32.51%
Conductive hearing loss due to Trauma 31.22%
Conjunctiva cornea eyelids and lacrimal apparatus – Other diseases of / type not known) 52.37%
Constipation 27.75%
Conversion disorder (hysteria) 78.36%
Corneal ulceration 49.21%
Coronavirus COVID-19 46.56%
Cortical blindness 90.77%
Creutzfeldt – Jacob disease (CJD) 100.00%
Crohns disease 29.17%
Crystal deposition disorders – Other / type not known 46.97%
Cushing’s syndrome 60.08%
Cystic fibrosis 59.76% Deafness – congenital 75.89%
Deep vein thrombosis 50.28%
Degenerative neuronal diseases – Other / type not known 88.32%
Dementia 93.54%
Depressive disorder 51.18%
Dermatitis herpetiformis 33.33%
Dermatomyositis 70.67%
Diabetes insipidus 43.15%
Diabetes mellitus (category unknown) 43.22%
Diabetes mellitus Type 1 (insulin dependent) 27.03%
Diabetes mellitus Type 2 (non insulin dependent) 43.91%
Diabetic neuropathy 71.63%
Diabetic retinopathy 74.64%
Diplopia (double vision) 43.52%
Disease affecting hearing & balance – Other/ type not known 41.75%
Dislocation of the hip – congenital 76.13%
Dissociative disorders – Other / type not known 67.92%
Disturbances of consciousness – Non-epileptic – Other / type not known 59.58%
Diverticular disease / diverticulitis 31.57% Dizziness – cause not specified 38.70%
Down’s syndrome 99.50%
Drop attacks 63.88%
Drug misuse 59.63%
Dupuytrens contracture 50.33%
Dyslexia 22.34%
Dyspraxia 44.41%
Dystrophia myotonica 75.72%
Eating disorders not otherwise specified (EDNOS) 62.07%
Eczema – varicose 24.71%
Eczema (dermatitis) 19.66%
Ehlers Danlos syndrome 66.08%
Elbow disorders – Other / type not known 41.62%
Empyema 62.70% Endocrine diseases – Other / type not known 39.96%
Endometriosis 32.22%
Endometrium (uterus / womb) – cancer of 84.94%
Entropion 83.33%
Epidemolysis bullosa 54.63%
Epiphyseal dysplasia – multiple 76.11%
Essential tremor – benign 62.50%
Ewing’s sarcoma 87.48% Extrinsic allergic alveolitis 79.77%
Eye movement – Other disorders of / type not known 48.53%
Eyes – Injuries to 35.66%
Facioscapulohumeral dystrophy 79.76%
Factitious disorders – Other / type not known 45.00%
Faecal soiling (encopresis) 26.80%
Failure to thrive 77.78%
Fallots tetralogy 42.47%
Fibroids 26.64%
Fibromyalgia 61.85%
Fibrosarcoma 77.70%
Fibrosing alveolitis 80.40%
Fistula in anus 31.46%
Food intolerance 21.05%
Fore foot pain (Metatarsalgia) 44.59%
Fracture complications – Other / type not known 65.87%
Fragile X syndrome 91.39%
Gallbladder and biliary tract – Other diseases of / type not known 41.80%
Gallstones 31.74%
Gastrointestinal tract – Other cancers of / type not known 90.62%
Gastrointestinal tract – Other diseases of / type not known 37.20%
Generalised anxiety disorder 43.91%
Generalised musculoskeletal disease – Other / type not known 59.29%
Generalised seizures (with status epilepticus in last 12 months) 60.21%
Generalised seizures (without status epilepticus in last 12 months) 51.04%
Genetic disorders dysplasias and malformations – Other / type not known 70.24%
Genitourinary disease – Other / type not known 34.11%
Genitourinary tract – Other cancers of / type not known 83.35%
Giant cell tumour – malignant 77.35%
Glaucoma 58.86%
Glomerulonephritis 54.35%
Glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency 43.24%
Goitre 28.67% Golfers elbow (medial epicondylitis) 36.61%
Gout 42.83%
Granulomatous lung disease and pulmonary infiltration – Other / type not known 66.31%
Growth hormone deficiency 53.47%
Guillain Barre syndrome 79.89%
Haematological system – Other cancers of / type not known 78.62%
Haemochromatosis 47.19%
Haemolytic disorders – Other / type not known 51.75%
Haemophilia A 60.52%
Haemophilia B (Christmas disease) 70.21%
Haemorrhoids 19.63%
Hallux valgus /rigidus 37.93%
Head injury – Cognitive and sensorimotor impairment 75.67%
Head injury – Cognitive impairment 71.95%
Head injury – Sensorimotor impairment 68.86%
Headache – Other causes of / cause not known 29.44%
Hearing loss – mixed 42.16%
Heart and lung transplantation 79.82%
Heart block 51.57%
Heart disease – Congenital – Other / type not known 52.26%
Heart transplantation 64.71%
Hemianopia 58.94%
Hepatic encephalopathy 76.61%
Hepatitis – Chronic – Other / type not known 51.57%
Hepatitis B and D infection 34.67%
Hepatitis C infection 53.97%
Hereditary multiple exostosis (diaphyseal aclasis) 66.15%
Hereditary spherocytosis 40.23%
Hernia 42.08%
Herpes zoster – ophthalmic 49.23%
Hiatus hernia / gastroesophageal reflux disease / reflux oesophagitis 31.95%
Hip disorders – Other / type not known 65.97%
Hirschprung Disease 30.21%
HIV/AIDs 48.31%
Hodgkins lymphoma 78.56%
Huntington’s disease 83.39%
Hydrocephalus 63.16%
Hydronephrosis 39.51%
Hyperlipidaemia 54.03%
Hypermetropia (long-sighted) 45.00%
Hypermobility syndrome 52.70%
Hyperparathyroidism 38.11%
Hypersensitivity diseases – Other / type not known 33.97%
Hypertension 45.22%
Hypertensive retinopathy 53.64%
Hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis) including Graves disease 31.05%
Hypoparathyroidism 37.08%
Hypothalamic and pituitary diseases – Other / type not known 41.20%
Hypothyroidism (myxoedema) 32.22%
Immune system – Other diseases of / type not known 48.47%
Impetigo ..% Inborn errors of metabolism – Other / type not known 49.57%
Incontinence – stress 14.96%
Incontinence – urge 14.65%
Incontinence (not Enuresis/Bed wetting) – Other / type not known 21.49%
Infections – Other 70.57% Infections – Other / type not known 44.58%
Infectious diseases – Other / type not known 55.11%
Inflammatory arthritis – Other / type not known 64.65%
Interstitial nephritis 55.97%
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) 24.53%
Ischaemic heart disease – Other / type not known 54.82%
Juvenile chronic arthritis (Still’s disease) 66.54% Keratitis 43.08%
Keratoconus 44.94%
Kidney – cancer of 87.00%
Kidney disease – Other / type not known 52.22%
Knee disorders – Other / type not known 51.18%
Kyphosis 65.64%
Labyrinthitis 33.61%
Larynx – cancer of 83.29%
Learning disability – Other / type not known 88.53%
Leg ulcers (arterial) 65.60% Leg ulcers (venous) 64.58%
Leukaemia – lymphoblastic – acute 85.59%
Leukaemia – lymphocytic – chronic 63.95%
Leukaemia – myelogenous (myeloid) acute 88.80%
Leukaemia – myeloid – chronic 70.47%
Leukaemias – Other / type not known 73.76%
Ligamentous instability of knee 51.67%
Liver – cancer of 92.85%
Liver failure – Features of – Other / features not known 66.33%
Liver transplantation 55.82%
Lower limb – Injuries/Fracture/Dislocation of 53.83%
Lower respiratory tract – Other diseases of / type not known 56.70%
Lumbar disc lesion 73.13% Lumbar spondylosis (OA spine) 73.32%
Lung cancers – Other 95.66%
Lung transplantation 79.23%
Lymphoedema 69.04%
Macular degeneration 75.87%
Main Disability Not Recorded 1.11%
Malaria 85.71% Malformations of the heart – Congenital – Other / type not known 49.69%
Marfan’s syndrome 59.43%
Mastoiditis 27.71%
Melanoma 85.09%
Menieres disease 39.69%
Meniscal lesions 48.80%
Mesothelioma 98.65%
Metabolic diseases – Other / type not known 48.46%
Metabolic red cell disorders – Other / type not known 55.83%
Migraine 25.10%
Mitral valve 47.78%
Mood disorders – Other / type not known 52.15%
Motor neurone disease 97.23%
Mouth/tongue – cancer of 83.85%
Movement disorders – Other / type not known 70.31%
Multiple – Injuries/Fracture/Dislocation 66.88%
Multiple sclerosis 76.11%
Munchausen syndrome 54.55%
Muscle – Other diseases of / type not known 71.91%
Muscular dystrophy – Becker type 80.30%
Muscular dystrophy – Duchenne 96.38%
Muscular dystrophy – limb girdle 87.31%
Muscular dystrophy – Other / type not known 82.28%
Musculoskeletal disease – Regional / Localised – Other / type not known 52.71%
Myasthenia gravis 63.32%
Myeloma 87.81%
Myocardial infarction 47.68%
Myopia (short-sighted) 55.21%
Narcolepsy 48.27%
Neck disorders – Other / type not known 50.68%
Nephrotic syndrome 51.26%
Neuroblastoma 76.13%
Neurofibromatosis 58.66%
Neurological disorders – Other / type not known 63.08%
Neuropathies – Other / type not known including peripheral 61.71%
Non epileptic Attack disorder (pseudoseizures) 62.75%
Non hodgkins lymphoma 79.63%
Nystagmus 65.85%
Obesity 77.02%
Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) 54.01%
Oesophageal varices 49.50%
|Oesophagus – cancer of 93.54%
Oesophagus stomach and duodenum – Other diseases of / type not known 39.43%
Old age 91.07%
Optic atrophy 83.48%
Optic neuritis 62.34%
Oral allergy syndrome 23.53%
Orbital cellulitis 40.63%
Osgood schlatters disease 42.02%
Osteoarthritis of Hip 73.02%
Osteoarthritis of Knee 62.92%
Osteoarthritis of other single joint 54.68%
Osteochondritis 67.17%
Osteochondritis dissecans 60.00%
Osteogenesis imperfecta 71.91%
Osteomalacia 69.91% Osteonecrosis 72.75%
Osteoporosis 65.46%
Osteosarcoma 85.28%
Other metabolic and endocrine disorders of musculoskeletal system 55.23%
Otitis externa – chronic 30.39%
Otosclerosis 33.50%
Ovarian cyst (benign) 35.67%
Ovary – cancer of 90.46%
Ovary uterus cervix vagina and vulva – Other diseases of / type not known 33.15%
Paget’s disease 73.46%
Pain syndromes – Chronic – Other / type not known 63.42%
Pancreas – cancer of 96.67%
Pancreas – Other diseases of / type not known 49.28%
Pancreatitis – chronic 52.75%
Panic disorder 47.75%
Papulosquamous and inflammatory rashes – Other / type not known 30.49%
Paraplegia (traumatic) 96.77%
Parathyroid diseases – Other / type not known 37.11%
Parkinson’s disease 80.64%
Parkinson’s syndrome / Parkinsonism 84.48%
Partial seizures (with status epilepticus in last 12 months) 48.57%
Partial seizures (without status epilepticus in last 12 months) 40.85%
Patellar dislocation – Recurrent 56.54%
Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) 52.54%
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) 41.06%
Pelvis – Injuries/Fracture/Dislocation of 66.60%
Pemphigoid 39.13%
Pemphigus vulgaris 32.82%
Peptic ulcer (gastric and duodenal)/gastritis 38.61%
Pericarditis 44.30%
Peripheral nerve injury – Other / type not known 57.93%
Peripheral venous disease – Other / type not known 57.61%
Peritonitis 66.15% Personality disorder 62.06%
Perthes disease 65.57%
Phobia – Social 48.20%
Phobia – Specific 48.03%
Platelet disorders – Other / type not known 40.30%
Pleura – Other diseases of / type not known 55.72%
Pleural effusion 62.29%
Pneumoconiosis – coalworkers 70.00%
Pneumoconiosis – Other / type not known 75.59%
Pneumonia 57.87%
Pneumothorax 39.91%
Poliomyelitis and post polio syndrome 84.92% Polyarteritis nodosa 72.44%
Polycythaemia 47.96%
Polymyalgia rheumatica 64.52%
Polymyositis 80.84%
|Porphyria 56.91%
Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) 58.77%
Posterior (choroiditis) 70.75%
Posterior vitreous detachment 39.19%
Presbyacusis 43.48%
Presbyopia ..% Pressure sores 77.94%
Primary Biliary cirrhosis (PBC) 51.32%
Primary cancer – site not known 94.52%
Primary generalised
Osteoarthritis 70.97%
Prion diseases – Other / type not known 91.67%
Prostate – cancer of 72.93%
Prostatic disease 29.57%
Protozoal diseases – Other / type not known 60.00%
Pseudogout 60.42%
Psoriasis 32.99%
Psychiatric disorders of childhood – Other / type not known 69.08%
Psychotic disorders – Other / type not known 68.61%
|Ptosis 32.95%
Pulmonary embolus 52.03%
Pulmonary fibrosis – Other / type not known 79.53%
Pulmonary valve disease 61.23%
Quadrantanopia 50.00%
Raynaud’s disease/phenomenon 39.87%
Rectal prolapse 35.73%
Rectum/anus – Other diseases of / type not known 31.09%
Refractive errors – Other / type not known 61.90%
Renal calculi 39.01% Renal failure – acute 66.61%
Renal failure – chronic 68.82%
Renal transplantation 50.95%
Respiratory tract – Other cancers of / type not known 83.68%
Retina and optic nerve – Other diseases of / type not known 73.99%
Retinal artery occlusion 50.97%
Retinal detachment 56.29%
Retinal vein occlusion 41.40%
Retinitis Pigmentosa 87.14%
Retinopathy – Other / type not known 75.95%
Retts disorder 91.40%
Rheumatoid arthritis 72.19%
Rickets 72.04%
Rosacea 27.94%
Rotator cuff disorder 39.48%
Sarcoidosis 55.70%
Sarcomas – Other / type not known 86.43%
Schizoaffective disorder 71.45%
|Schizophrenia 69.85%
Schuermann’s disease 63.01%
Scleritis 30.88%
Scoliosis 57.70%
Scotoma 54.55%
Seizures – unclassified 58.09%
Sensorineural hearing loss – Other causes of / type not known 44.67%
Sensorineural hearing loss due to Trauma 48.65%
Shoulder disorders – Other / type not known 37.68%
Shoulder instability 42.94%
Silicosis 48.94%
Sjogren’s syndrome 53.53%
Skin cancers – Other / type not known 73.13%
Skin disease – Other / type not known 36.10%
Sleep apnoea – obstructive 18.62%
Slipped upper femoral epiphysis 67.72%
Small bowel – Other diseases of / type not known 33.42%
Somatoform disorders – Other / type not known 64.00%
Specific learning disorder – other / type not known 67.60%
Speech or language disorder 59.38%
Spina bifida 83.28%
Spinal cord compression – Other causes of / cause not known 82.29%
Spinal stenosis 78.04%
Spine – Injuries/Fracture/Dislocation of 72.77%
Spondylolisthesis 73.92%
Steatohepatitis – non-alcoholic (NASH) 49.24%
Stokes Adams attacks (cardiovascular syncope) 71.11%
Stomach – cancer of 90.72%
Strabismus (Squint) 32.14%
Stress reaction disorders – Other / type not known 35.38%
Sudek’s atrophy 93.42% Syncope – Other / type not known 53.36%
Syringomyelia / Syringobulbia 75.73%
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) 60.42%
Systemic sclerosis (scleroderma) 67.58%
Tachycardia 42.02%
Temporal (giant cell) arteritis (Headache) 57.59%
Tendon lesions 40.20%
Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) 32.80%
Tenosynovitis 44.72% Testicle – Cancer of 63.39%
Tetraplegia (traumatic) 99.00%
Thalassaemia 45.71%
Thorax – Injury/Fracture/Dislocation of 46.66%
Thyroid diseases – Other / type not known 32.79%
Torticollis 52.05%
Total 51.63%
Tourette’s syndrome 48.95%
Tracheo-oesophageal fistula/atresia 51.68%
Transient ischaemic attacks (TIAs) 49.29%
Transplant rejection – renal 74.34%
Tricuspid valve disease 47.18%
Tuberculosis 55.17% tumours – benign – Other / type not known 55.99%
Tumours of bone – benign 62.19%
Tumours of the gastrointestinal tract – benign 51.71%
Tunnel vision 63.30%
Ulcerative colitis 21.99%
Upper limb – Injury/Fracture/Dislocation of 43.66%
Upper respiratory tract – Other diseases of / type not known 48.42%
Urinary Overflow 22.28%
Urinary tract infection 31.63%
Urticaria 22.35%
Uterine prolapse 31.50%
Vasculitis – Other / type not known 61.94%
Venous insufficiency – chronic 58.45%
Ventriculoseptal defect (VSD) 52.82%
Viral diseases excluding hepatitis and poliomyelitis -Other / type not known 59.71%
Vision – Other diseases affecting / type not known 66.18%
Visual field defects – Other / type not known 67.21%
Vitreous disease – Other / type not known 71.94%
Vitreous haemorrhage 61.61%
Von Willebrand’s disease 43.25%
Whiplash injury 39.68%
Wilms Tumour 58.97%
Wilson’s disease 70.14%
Wrist and hand disorders – Other / type not known 41.40%
Writer’s cramp 40%
The Disability Benefits Consortium, an umbrella body representing more than 100 charities and organisations, condemned the “cruel cuts”.
The consortium’s policy co-chairman Charles Gillies said: “These immoral and devastating benefits cuts will push more disabled people into poverty, and worsen people’s health.”